About foundation

At present, our Foundation is implementing 2 projects co-founded from EU funds:

  • “INFOTECH – high standards of VET in #siliconforest I”

  • “INFOTECH – high standards of VET in #siliconforest II”.

The aim of these projects is to raise the level of professional competence and key skills of students and teachers in Secondary Technical School of Programming INFOTECH in Bialystok (Technikum Programistyczne INFOTECH) by organizing didactic and compensatory classes, trainings and internships.

Information about Fundation

The Fundation is the governing body of the INFOTECH schools: Programming Technical School, General Secondary School and Bilingual Primary School:

  • number of students in INFOTECH Schools: 210 people,

  • number of staff teaching INFOTECH Schools: 55 people.

The Foundation co-coordinates Infotech Technological Cluster, which is the source of valuable professional competence and skills used in the educational process in INFOTECH Schools.

  • All the actions taken by our Foundation aim to serve modern education purposes as well as to promote human rights, including citizen rights. The Foundation aims to develop responsible attitude to rational use of natural resources in the processes of economic development in accordance to sustainable development policy.

  • The Foundation has been the coordinator of energy cluster of Podlasie Energy Initiative since 2016. In this cluster, there are 15 companies from Renewable Energy Sources branches – producing appliances, installations and generating energy. The Foundation creates networks of cooperation in the branch and cooperates with the public sector on the behalf of RES companies.